I find inspiration in what I see. Walking around my block, I’ll notice the color of the leaves, or a kid whizzing by on their blue scooter in a hat with cat ears. All of the interactions and gestures between friends and neighbors spark ideas of connection and creation for me. But when the world suddenly shut down, seemingly overnight, and my daily visual cues disappeared, I was struggling to do even the simplest drawings.
Like many others, difficult feelings showed up, and without motivation to make artwork, I was left empty. It was then that I began to wonder—if my visual sense could be such an important tool for creativity, perhaps some of my other senses could offer something similar, or something else.
So I started to play around with smell and touch. I began using essential oils as tools for inspiring, but also grounding myself. One smell of jasmine would quickly shift a mood, or a hint of lavender might make my shoulders soften a little. I was so surprised by these uplifting feelings brought on by smell & touch that I turned it into a practice, maybe even a way of giving myself a hug. “You’re A.OK” became my mantra.
A.OK is an all-over oil born of a ritual, my daily practice. I offer this blend as a tool to reconnect with your body and mind, and give yourself a moment to feel A.OK. I hope you love it as much as I do.